Hossain, M. A Study on Thin Cementitious Composite (TCC) Materials For Soil Reinforcement Applications. Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering. 2010. 1. 4. 153-159
Hossain, M.Z, Islam, M.P. Cracking Stress and Bending Moment in Flexural Ferrocement Elements. Int. Journal of Characterization and Development of Novel Materials. 2010. 1. 4. 1-16
Soil Mechanics II - Mechanical Properties
Korona Publishing Company, Japan 2010 ISBN:9784339052251
Soil Mechanics I - Fundamental Properties
Korona Publishing Company, Japan 2010 ISBN:9784339052244
Environment-Friendly Cement Composite (EFCC) for Soil Reinforcement and Earth Slope Protection
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA 2010 ISBN:9781607419563
Ferrocement and Cement Composites: Analyses, Design and Applications
Shankeisha Publishing Co. Ltd. Japan 2009 ISBN:9784883616770
講演・口頭発表等 (62件):
Seepage and stability analysis of Manu river embankment of Bangladesh: A case study
(Proc. of the National Conference of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering, JSIDRE, Kobe, pp.276-277, 2010. Aug.31-Sept.2. 2010)
Development of A Small-Scale Universal Apparatus For Evaluating Soil-Structure Interaction
(IAEC 2010 International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, Sept. 17-20, 2010, pp.143-155. 2010)
River embankment and bank failure in Bangladesh: A Study on Geotechnical characteristics and stability analysis
(International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB), Sept. 4, pp.171-174, 2010. University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, JAPAN, ISBN:978-984-33-1979-1. Best Paper Award 2010)
A Study On Composite Technology For Earth Slope Protection
(Proc. of 7th International Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques, June 23-25, 2010, Seoul, Korea, pp.199-208. ISBN: 978-981-08-5201-6 2010)
Improvement of Akogi Volcanic Soil Applying Nominal Dosage of Ordinary Portland Cement
(Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Problematic Soils, April 7-9, 2010, Adelaide, Australia, pp.163-170. ISBN: 978-981-08-5197-2 2010)
2004 - Asian Association of Agricultural Engineering Fellow
1999 - 農業土木学会 会員
1993 - International Ferrocement Society Member
1990 - Engineer's Institution, Bangladesh Fellow
Bangladesh Computer Society Member
所属学会 (6件):
Bangladesh Computer Society
, Bangladesh
, Engineer's Institution
, International Ferrocement Society
, 農業土木学会
, Asian Association of Agricultural Engineering