Hiroki Hashimoto, Ikuta Tanigawa, Nobuhiko Ogura, Harumi Watanabe. ReactCOP Supporting Layer Parameter Management for Front-End Web Applications. Companion Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming. 2023
Yuki Hirano, Nobuhiko Ogura. A Representation of Tree Matching and Rewriting for Model Transformation. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform. 2022. 2021. -. 98-99
Takumi Ichida, Nobuhiko Ogura. Requirements on Model Transformation for Model Refactoring in State Transition Model Description Language stmc. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform. 2022. 2021. -. 90-91
Towards a DevOps Modeling based on Context-Oriented Programming
(<Programming> 2024 2024)
A React Extension to Context-Oriented Programming towards Developing In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems
(Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform (APRIS) 2022 2022)