2001 - On the synaptic plasticity of pyramidal cell in the primary vrsual contex
Recognition of emotional facial
論文 (43件):
Tateyama Yukiko, Shimamoto Tomonari, Takeuchi Jiro, Sakagami Yu, Iwami Taku. 外国人留学生の肥満とその背景要因に対する認識と態度 質的研究(Perception of and attitudes toward obesity and its background factors among international students: qualitative study). 国際保健医療. 2023. 38. 3. 163-163
Miki Noda, Yu Sakagami, Hiroshi Tsujimoto. The psychological process of workers who access mental health services: A qualitative study focused on workers’ sense of ‘me as a worker’. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2019. 10. 2. 111-124
Teruhisa Uwatoko, Yan Luo, Masatsugu Sakata, Daisuke Kobayashi, Yu Sakagami, Kazumi Takemoto, Linda M. Collins, Ed Watkins, Steven D. Hollon, James Wason, et al. Healthy Campus Trial: A multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) fully factorial trial to optimize the smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) app for mental health promotion among university students: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018. 19. 1. 1-16
異文化適応と留学支援ハンドブック 多文化共生とヘルスコミュニケーションの立場から/Guide to Intercultural Adaptation and Study Abroad: From the Perspective of Multicultural Coexistence and Health Communication. English/Japanese
田中プリント 2017