K. Sawatsuhashi, H. Hyakutake. Profile analysis for random effects model in two sample problem with monotone missing. Far East J. Theoretical Statist. 2016. 52. 235-251
Hiroto Hyakutake, Tatsuya Fujimaru. Multiple directional decision with a control in parallel profile model. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 2008. 25. 221-228
Hiroto Hyakutake, Tatsuya Fujimaru. Multiple directional decision with a control in parallel profile model. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistica. 2008. 25. 221-228
Risa Yamasaki, Hiroto Hyakutake. Confidence intervals for the difference of two functions of parameters in nonlinear repeated measurements. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 2005. vol. 17, 69-78
Profile analysis for random effect model with missing data
(Kumamoto International Symposium ”High Dimensional Statistical Analysis & Quantile Analysis" 2016)
Pairwise comparisons for parallel profile models with mixed effects
(PROBASTAT2011 2011)
Multiple comparisons with a control when the treatments are correlated
(17th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques 2009)
Confidence regions of functions of parameters in a nonlinear repeated measurement model with mixed effects
(Conference in Honor of Professor E. J. Dudewicz 2008)
Confidence intervals for the difference of two functions of parameters in nonlinear repeated measurements
(12th International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics 2005)