J-GLOBAL ID:200901079090906350   更新日: 2024年12月09日

両角 卓也

モロズミ タクヤ | Morozumi Takuya
論文 (71件):
  • Apriadi Salim Adam , Nicholas J. Benoit , Yuta Kawamura, Yamato Matsuo, Takuya Morozumi , Yusuke Shimizu,and Naoya Toyota. Spacetime evolution of lepton number densities and wave-packet-like effects for neutrino flavor and chiral oscillations in quantum field theory. Physical Review D. 2023. 108. 5. 056009-1-056009-21
  • Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh, Takuya Morozumi. Study of weak-basis invariants in the universal seesaw model using Hilbert series. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. Volume 2446. 2446 (2023) 012049-1-2446 (2023) 012049-4
  • Takuya Morozumi, Apriadi Salim Adam, Yuta Kawamura, Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh, Yusuke Shimizu, and Kei Yamamoto. Effective theory for Universal seesaw model. Journal of Physics, Conference Series. 2023. 2446. 012046-1-012046-4
  • Benoit, Nicholas J., Morozumi, Takuya, Shimizu, Yusuke, Takagi, Kenta, Yuu, Akihiro. Renormalization group effects for a rank degenerate Yukawa matrix and the fate of the massless neutrino. PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. 2022. 2022. 11
  • Adam, Apriadi Salim, Kawamura, Yuta, Morozumi, Takuya. A model with light and heavy scalars in view of the effective theory. PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. 2022. 2022. 1
書籍 (1件):
  • Rare Semi/Leptonic B decays
    Proceedings of the third international conference on B physics and CP violation 2000 ISBN:9789810243760
講演・口頭発表等 (29件):
  • クォークセクターの物理
    (フレーバーフィジックス ワークショップ 2024 2024)
  • Lepton family numbers of neutrinos at low energies and leptogenesis
    (Planck2024 2024)
  • Space time evolution of the lepton number densities including the momentum distribution
    (The 15th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2024) 2024)
  • 場の量子論に基づくマヨラナニュートリノの振動確率とレプトン数の時間変化の関係
    (2023年日本物理学会春季大会 2023)
  • Space time evolution of lepton number densities
    (SKCM2 Kickoff meeting 2023)
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