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Research summary of exploring the effects of similar and same task repetition on learners’ second language pragmatic proficiency. In T. Stephens & J. Duncan (Eds.), Education Research Summaries
Nova Science Publishers 2013
Exploring the effects of similar and same task repetition on learners' second language pragmatic proficiency. In D. Alonso (Ed.), English as a Second Language.
Nova Publishers 2011
Impact of animated vs. static illustrations on EFL learners' politeness acquisition
(32nd MELTA International Conference 2024)
The efficacy of animated versus static illustrations with 3D images on EFL learners’ acquisition of degrees of sureness
(31st MELTA International Conference 2023)
The application of cognitive linguistics and right-hemisphere in foreign language teaching (Keynote Speaker).
(5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences 2022)
The relationship between the effects of metaphor-based approach and the right-hemispher involvement in developing EFL learners' knowledge of degrees of sureness (Session Chair).
(The European Conference on Language Learning 2022)
The relationship between cognitive linguistic approach and right-hemisphere of the brain in developing EFL learners' pragmatic proficiency.
(The Paris Conference on Education 2022)