The Study for the Application of Biostatistics in the Area of Infection Control
The Study of the Estimation Methods and its Application under the Counter-Factual Model
Biostatistics for Evidence Based Medicine
論文 (41件):
石田 ゆかり, 中尾 教伸, 比江島 欣愼. 特定健康診査検査所見と問診による生活習慣病発症との関係に関する縦断研究-Longitudinal Study on the Onset of Lifestyle-Related Diseases Based on Specific Diagnostic Findings and Interviews. 城西国際大学紀要 / 城西国際大学紀要委員会 編. 2022. 30. 7. 21-35
比江島 欣慎, 中尾 教伸. 感染制御のための疫学・統計学 基礎編 : 今さら聞けない実践に役立つ統計の概念を中心に-Epidemiology and Medical Statistics for Infection Prevention and Control Practices : Basic Course Edition. 感染制御 = Journal of infection prevention & control practices. 2016. 10. 59別冊1. 1-165