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MISC (42件):
竹島一仁. イモリ幼生型体色色素帯形成. トレーサー. 2010. 3-6
K. Takeshima. BMP signaling regulates pigment cell distribution in Newt embryo. Proceedings of The 12th International Xenopus Conference. 2008. 149
K. Takeshima. BMP signaling regulates pigment cell distribution in Newt embryo. Proceedings of The 12th International Xenopus Conference. 2008. 149
K. Takeshima, A. Kondo. Local misexpression of various mRNAs in Xenopus embryo by electroporation. Proceedings of The 11th International Xenopus Conference. 2006. 142
K. Takeshima, A. Kondo. Local misexpression of various mRNAs in Xenopus embryo by electroporation. Proceedings of The 11th International Xenopus Conference. 2006. 142