"Protein tyrosine phosphatase in B lymphocyte signaling" 「Kinases and Phosphatases in Lymphocyte and Neuronal Signalling」
Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1997
"Role of PEST domain tyrosine phosphatase PEP in B cell antigen receptor-induced signaling" 「Kinases and Phosphatases in Lymphocyte and Neuronal Signaling」
Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1997
"CD45 differentially regulates B cell antigen receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation in immature and mature B cells" Kinases and Phosphatases in Lymphocyte and Neuronal Signalling」(ed. YAKURA, H)
Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1997
Prohibitin (PHB) as a negative regulator for degranulation signal in RBL-2H3 cells,
(The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology 2008)
CD45 regulates the late stage tyrosine phosphorylation of anti-tumor activation in peritoneal macrophages,
(The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology 2007)
Not (-)epicatechin but an aglycon of the glucosilated flavanone from Clethra barbinervis leaf extract suppress Fc epsilon RI signals in RBL-2H3
(The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology 2007)
Prohibitin and Swiprosin are the late crew of the Fce RI raft on RBL-2H3
(The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology 2007)
CD45 is involved in anti-tumor effects of macrophages
(The 13th International Congress of Immunology 2007)