研究キーワード (7件):
, 組織コミュニケーション
, 非言語コミュニケーション
, インターカルチュラルコミュニケーション
, Organizational Communication
, Nonverbal Communication
, Intercultural Communication
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
2009 - 2010 Application of Intercultural Communication to Health Communication
Health communication across cultures
Communication between doctors and patients
Facework across cultures
A postcolonial approach to American translation of Japanese films
Different perception of time in multi-cultural organizations
論文 (15件):
MASUMOTO, Tomoko. Challenging America’s Collective Memory of the Bombing of Hiroshima: An Analysis of U.S. University Students’ Reactions to the Anime Version of Barefoot Gen. 異文化コミュニケーション. 2017. No. 20 147-166. 20. 147-166
桝本智子. Tales of Two Cities: Hiroshima and Los Alamos, and the Collective Memories about the Atomic Bombing Presented in their Principal Museums. グローバル・コミュニケーション研究. 2015. 第2号, pp.137-159. 2. 137-159
桝本智子. Perceptions of the Salience of Intercultural Communication in the Contexts of Public health and Medical Practice. 神田外語大学紀要. 2013. 第25号, pp.49-78. 25. 49-77
“What Can a National Park Teach About War and Peace? Opportunities and Failures in the Manhattan Project National Historical Park”
(National Communication Association Annual Convention 2021)
“Tell Me a Story about the War: The Case of the Manhattan Project Historical National Park”
(Southwest Popular/American Culture Association 40th Annual conference 2019)
Command, Control, and Communication: Scholarly Perspectives on Seventy Years of Nuclear Weapons History
(101th National Communication Association Annual Convention 2015)
Japan’s Collective Memory of Hiroshima seen through the Eyes of a Child: The National and Global Impact of Keiji Nakazawa’s Graphic Novel
(University of Alberta, Prince Takamado Japan Center “70th After Hiroshima” 2015)
American interns in Japanese Organizations : Participant perceptions and interpretations of intercultural communication in the U.S.'-Japan industry and technology management program
1996 - 1999
学歴 (2件):
ニューメキシコ大学 コミュニケーション&ジャーナリズム学部
モントレー国際大学院 国際政治学科
学位 (2件):
MA in International Policy Studies (モントレー国際大学院)
Ph.D. in Communication (ニューメキシコ大学)
経歴 (4件):
2017 - 関西大学 教授(現職)
2014 - 神田外語大学 教授
2006 - 神田外語大学 准教授
2001 - 神田外語大学 講師
受賞 (5件):
2012/02 - The Western States Communication Association Annual Conference 上位3位入賞論文 Site as Symbol: Hiroshima, Los Alamos, and the Cultural Evocations of Two Museums
2011/11 - The National Communication Association Annual Conference トップパネリスト Listening To Your Own Voice: Edward T. Hall and How the Need for Training Created a Discipline.
2007/11 - The National Communication Association Annual Conference 上位3位入賞論文
2000 - Top Competitive Paper Award in International Communication (The International Communication Association)
1999 - Top Competitive Paper Award in International Communication (The International Communication Association)
所属学会 (4件):
, 異文化コミュニケーション学会
, 異文化間教育学会
, National Communication Association