Ayano Yamamura, Shinji Sakane, Munekazu Ohno, Hideyuki Yasuda, Tomohiro Takaki. Twin experiments and detailed investigation of data assimilation system for columnar dendrite growth in thin film. Acta Materialia. 2024. 281. 120356-120356
N. Yamanaka, S. Sakane, T. Takaki. Multi-phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations of semi-solid simple shear deformation in thin film. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2024. 2766. 1
福島 拓実, 三好 英輔, 高木 知弘, 大野 宗一, 澁田 靖. 分子動力学法とphase-field法を用いたデータ同化による粒界物性評価法の検討-Investigation of a method for estimating grain boundary properties by data assimilation with molecular dynamics method and phase-field method. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2019. 24. 4p
高木 知弘, 坂根 慎治, 大野 宗一, 澁田 靖, Ryotaro Sato. 運動を伴うデンドライト成長phase-fieldモデルへのdouble-obstacleポテンシャルの適用-Application of Double-obstacle Potential to Phase-field Model of Dendrite Growth with Motion. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2019. 24. 4p
2017/08 - 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARD Influence of forced flow on the oriented equiaxed dendrititic growth: large-scale phase-field study
2015/06 - Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes XIV Best Poster Award GPU-Accelerated 3D Phase-field Simulations of dendrite competitive growth during directional solidification of binary alloy
2014/08 - The Third International Symposium on Phase-field Method Poster Award
2014/06 - 溶接学会 平成25年度 界面接合研究賞
2013/12 - Asia-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics Young Investigator Awards