研究キーワード (6件):
, 隕石・宇宙塵の化学分析
, 宇宙空間固体表面物性
, Ion - Solid Surface Interaction
, Chemical Study for Meteorites and Cosmic dust
, Radiation-Solid Surface Interaction in Space
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
Radiation Domage on Spacecraft-borne Detector parts
Chemical and Isotopic Research for Cosmic and Environmental Samples by PIXE/AMS using a Tandem Electostatic Accelerator
Search for Extraterrestrial Microparticles in Antarctic Ice/snow.
MISC (107件):
Unmelted Chondritic Micrometeorites from Antarctic Ice revealed by INAA (coauth.). Abst. Intl. Symp. Evolution. Solar Sys. Materials:A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, Natl. Inst. Polar Res. Tokyo. 2003. Sept. 3-5, pp138-139
Fe-Ni-Oxide Spherules with/without Ni-Fe-rich and Fe-Al-rich Silicate Cores, and Chondritic Spherules from Deep Sea Sediments (coauth.). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Musei Moraviae Occidentalis. 2003
Fe-Ni-Oxide Spherules with/without Ni-Fe-rich and Fe-Al-rich Silicate Cores, and Chondritic Spherules from Deep Sea Sediments (coauth.). Abst. IX. Int. Conf. on Moldavites, Tektites, Impact Glasses and Impact Processes, Sept. 23-26, 2002, Frantiskovy Lazne, Czech Republic. 2002
PIXE analysis of the stratospheric dust samples collected by balloon (coauth.)
Applicaion of Ion Beams in Materials Science, Proc. 12thInternatl. Symp. Hosei Univ. , Tokyo, Sept. 2-4, 1987, ed. T. Sede and Y. Yamamoto (Tokyo ; Hosei Univ. Press) 1987
Works (10件):
1997 - 2000
Impact and Extraterrestrial Spherules : Hangary-Japan Science and Tecknology Cooperation
1997 - 2000