A technique for long-term implantation of a microcatheter into the third ventricle of post-pubertal chinese Meishan pigs based on ventriculography.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2004
Analysis of a full-length cDNA library constructed from swine olfactory bulb for elucidation of expressed genes and their transcription intiation sites.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences 2004
Development of a stereotaxic instrument for study of the bovine central nervous system.
Brain Research Bulletin 2004
講演・口頭発表等 (49件):
The development of functional Near-infrared Cortical Imaging (fNCI): the direct cortical hemodynamic mapping of the miniature pig's somatosensory area
(fNIRS 2014, Montreal, Canada 2014)
Functional Near-infrared Cortical Imaging (fNCI) of the miniature pig brain : the comparison of hemoglobin species
(Neuroscience 2014, Nagoya, Japan 2014)