Yoko Hayami. Labour of Devotion: Material Construction and Charisma of Saintly Monks in the Myanmar-Thai Border Region. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 2022. 24. 1. 18-35
速水 洋子. “Between state and family: Biopolitics of elderly care and emerging communality in Northern Thailand”. Southeast Asian Studies. 2019. 8. 3. 387-412
速水 洋子. Karen Culture of Evangelism and Early Baptist Mission in Nineteenth Century Burma. Social Sciences and Missions. 2018. 31. 2. 251-283
速水 洋子. Book review. Ooi keat Gin and Volker Grabowsky (eds.) Ethnic and Religious Identities and Integation in Southeast Asia. Journal of Burma Studies. 2018. 22. 1. 164-67
速水 洋子. Book review: Julia Cassaniti. Living Buddhism: Mind, Self, and Emotion in a Thai Community. Cornell University Press. 2015. Journal of the Siam Society. 2018. 106. 342-345
Yoko Hayami. Metamorphosis: Studies in Social and Political Change in Myanmar. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST. 2017. 44. 1. 181-183
Women in Southeast Asia from High Modernity Onwards
(Anthony Reid and Southeast Asian Studies JSSEAS-NIHU-MAPS Joint Symposium: Southeast Asia as Critical Crossroads Dialogues with Anthony Reid 2023)
Gendered Precarity and ethics of life in Aging Asia: Voices of Older Thai Women
(6th Asian Association of Women’s Studies online conference 2023)
“Stories of Life and Care of the Self in the Margins of Northern Thailand: Voices from a State Home for the Elderly”
(Taiwan Conference on Anthropology and Ethnic Studies. National Chiao Tung University. 2020)
(国際ジェンダー学会 2020)
“Women’s Voices from a Thai Older People’s Home”
(The 3rd SEASIA Conference. Panel “Women’s Narratives from the Margins in Southeast Asia”. Academia Sinica, Taipei. 2019)