研究キーワード (6件):
, ロシア正教会史
, ロシア語
, The Eastern Orthodox Church Theology
, History of Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church History)
, Russian
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
1971 - 2017 トルストイ研究
1997 - マイノリティ研究
1997 - Study on minority groups
1972 - 東方正教会の神学に関する研究
1972 - ロシア正教会古儀式派に関する研究
1972 - Study on the Eastern Orthodox Church Theology
1972 - Study on the Old Believers of Russian Orthodox Church
Kodayu DAIKOKUYA and Joe NIIJIMA -Japanese who stayed overseas for ten years when going abroad was prohibited and the conception of Feedom for them
(Japanese Studies Association of Australia 8th Biennial Conference(Australia University of New Castle, New Castle) 1993)
Some aspects of "Christianity and Japan"
(Japanese Studies Association of Australia 8th Biennial Conference(Australia University of New Castle, New Castle) 1992)
(日本ロシア文学会 1987)
Works (2件):
1993 -
Kodayu DAIKOKUYA and Joe NIIJIMA- Japanese who stayed overseas for ten years when going abroad was prohibited and the conception of Freedom for them.
1993 -