Tomomi Sato. Creation of Care Through Communication by Nurses, Welfare Workers, and Persons (Children) With Profound Intellectual Multiple Disabilities at a Day Care Center Emancipation From the Japanese “Shame Culture”. Advances in Nursing Science. 2022. 45. 2. E69-E93
Parents in the Loop Learmomg for Emotional State Estimation Models in Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities.
(IEEE BHI’24. November,USA 2024)
Exploring Robust and Explaomable Design for Facial Expression-Based Emotional State Estimation in Children with Profound Intellectual Multiple Disabilities.
(EUSIPOO2024, 28 August, France. 2024)
, 看護研究学会
, 重症心身障害療育学会
, 日本小児保健学会
, 日本重症心身障害学会
, 日本小児看護学学会
, 日本看護科学学会
, Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing
, Japan Society of Child Health Nursing
, Japan Academy of Nursing Science
, 質的心理学会
, 看護教育研究学会
, 国際ケアリング学会