J-GLOBAL ID:200901091497890555   更新日: 2024年12月18日

東 清一郎

ヒガシ セイイチロウ | Higashi Seiichirou
職名: 教授
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (1件):
  • ナノデバイス・バイオ融合科学研究所 所長  所長
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.semicon.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/
研究分野 (1件): 電子デバイス、電子機器
論文 (154件):
  • Yu, Jiawen, Hanafusa, Hiroaki, Higashi, Seiichiro. Development of a real-time temperature measurement technique for SiC wafer during ultra-rapid thermal annealing based on optical-interference contactless thermometry (OICT). JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2023. 62. SC. SC1075-1-SC1075- 8
  • Nojima, Taishi, Hanafusa, Hiroaki, Sato, Takuma, Hayashi, Shohei, Higashi, Seiichiro. Growth of high-crystallinity silicon films by a combination of intermittent pulse heating and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2022. 61. SI. SI1010-1-SI1010- 6
  • Sato, Takuma, Hanafusa, Hiroaki, Higashi, Seiichiro. Investigation on electrical characteristics of TFTs fabricated with germanium films crystallized by atmospheric-pressure micro thermal plasma jet irradiation. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2022. 61. SC. SC1011-1-SC1011- 6
  • Fujimoto, Keiya, Hanafusa, Hiroaki, Sato, Takuma, Higashi, Seiichiro. Direct observation of three-dimensional transient temperature distribution in SiC Schottky barrier diode under operation by optical-interference contactless thermometry imaging. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS. 2022. 15. 2. 026502-1-026502-4
  • Hoa ThiKhanh Nguyen, H. Hanafusa, R. Kawakita, K. Segawa, S. Higashi. Investigation on characteristics of millisecond solid phase crystallized silicon films annealed by atmospheric pressure DC arc discharge micro-thermal-plasma-jet and their application to bottom-gate thin film transistors fabrication. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. 60. 10. 105502-1-105502-7
講演・口頭発表等 (48件):
  • Direct Imaging of Semiconductor Device Self-heating Based on Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry
    (International Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2022,in Memory of M. Hirose (IWNT2022) 2022)
  • Millisecond Annealing by Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet and Direct Imaging of Temperature Distribution Using Optical Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT)
    (240th ECS Meeting 2021)
  • 大気圧プラズマジェット誘起ミリ秒固相結晶化とデバイス応用
    (第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2021)
  • Defect Control in Quasi Single-crystalline Silicon Strips on Insulator Formed by Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet
    (International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials (Thermec'2021) 2021)
  • 大気圧マイクロプラズマジェットを用いたアモルファスゲルマニウム薄膜の超急速結晶化と電気特性評価
    (シリコン材料・デバイス研究会 2021)
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(工学)
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