2009 - 2009 Tax competition Heterogeneous Tastes and Emergence of Core-Periphery
2009 - 2009 Tax competition Heterogeneous Tastes and Emergence of Core-Periphery
2007 - 2009 地域間格差を考慮した景気回復局面におけるわが国の不動産市場の動学的経済分析
2008 - 2008 Muth meets Tiebout under Agglomeration Economy: when “compact city” emerges?
2008 - 2008 Muth meets Tiebout under Agglomeration Economy: when “compact city” emerges?
2007 - 2007 Muth meets Tiebout under Agglomeration Economy: when “compact city” emerges?
2006 - Academic Exchange Agreement and International Partnership Nagoya University Japan Syiah Kuala University Indonesia
2004 - 2006 日本の土地・住宅市場に関する実証分析
2005 - 2005 Railway Competition in a Park-and-Ride Model
2002 - 2005 日本の郡市環境と不動産市場に関する経済分析
2004 - Tax-Price Competition for Internationalized Public Goods
2004 - 2004 Tax-Price Competition for Internationalized Public Goods
2004 - 2004 Tax-Price Competition for Internationalized Public Goods
2003 - Tax-Price Competition for Internationalized Public Goods
2003 - 2003 Tax-Price Competition for International Quasi-Public Goods
2003 - 2003 Tax-Price Competition for International Quasi-Public Goods
2002 - Railways Competition in a Park-and-Ride Model
2002 - Railways Competition in a Park-and-Ride Model
1999 - 2001 複数交通モード下における都市の最適土地利用
1997 - 1999 人的資本の地域間偏在と教育政策
1996 - 1999 空間経済システムの自己組織化及び構造変化に関する研究
1996 - 1998 国際ハブ空港の経済効果に関するモデル分析
1996 - 1998 東京一極集中に関する都市経済システムの分析
1997 - A Model of Urbanization with High-Skilled Workers mimeo(presented in the Conference of Japanese Economic Association at Waseda University and in PRSCO15 at Victoria University of Wellington)
1995 - 1995 都市における経済成長の模型分析
1993 - Endogenous Fertility and Urban Land Use
1992 - The Henry George Theorem Capitalization Hypothesis and Interregional Equalization: A Synthesis
1991 - 1992 不完全情報下のコンフリクト・アナリシスと地域政策
1989 - Advertising Local Public Goods and Land Markets: Tiebout under Imperfect Information 筑波大学 理論・計量経済学会報告要旨
1988 - Location of Public Facilities with Spillover Effects and 2nd Meetings of the Applied Regional Science Conference
1987/05 - Graduate Prize Department of Regional Science University of Pennsylvania
所属学会 (7件):
Papers in Regional Science Editorial Board
, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies Editor
, 「応用地域学研究」編集委員長
, Regional Science Association International
, American Economic Association
, 日本経済学会
, 応用地域学会(会長:2011.4-2013.3)