Yasuki Isozaki. Fractional order error estimates for the renewal density. JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2016. 68. 1. 31-49
Yasuki Isozaki. First hitting time of the integer lattice by symmetric stable processes. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. 2015. 98. 50-53
Yasuki Isozaki. A property of the Fourier transform of probability measures on the real line related to the renewal theorem. PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. 2012. 88. 9. 152-155
Yasuki Isozaki. Hitting of a line or a half-line in the plane by two-dimensional symmetric stable Levy processes. STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. 2011. 121. 8. 1749-1769
Yasuki Isozaki. Fluctuation Identities Applied to the Hitting Time of a Half-line in the Plane. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY. 2009. 22. 1. 57-81
A cluster of exceptional times of linear Brownian motion. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 2001
Random walk with pinning as a model for wetting. 2000
Y Isozaki, S Kotani. Asymptotic estimates for the first hitting time of fluctuating additive functionals of Brownian motion. SEMINAIRE DE PROBABILITES XXXIV. 2000. 1729. 374-387
Asymptotic estimates for the first hitting time of fluctuating additive functionals of Brownian motion
Seminaire de Probabilit(]E85EE[)s 34 Springer, Berlin 2000