Hiromi Ochi. Translations of American Cultural Politics into the Context of Post War Japan. Routledge Companion to Transnational American Studies. 2019
“Translations of American Cultural Politics into the Context of Post War Japan”
(慶應義塾大学アメリカ学会主催第一回国際シンポジウム「環太平洋、環大西洋、環文学史--脱アメリカ的アメリカ研究の到来」 2019)
(第11回お茶大英文学会 2019)
“Diversifying Appalachia- Reimagining Coal Mining Hillbilly Community”
(An International Symposia: The Cultures of Coal--1st Session: Diversifying the Cultures of Coal 2019)
“The Strange Career of C. Vann Woodward: Writing The Battle for Leyte Gulf as a Navy Historian”
(An International Conference on the Aesthetic Mechanisms of Ocean Representations in British, American, and Asian Contexts 2019)