Hiroko Mikami. Richard Bean’s The Big Fellah (2010) and Jez Butterworth’s The Ferryman (2017): two plays about the Northern Troubles from outside of Northern Ireland. Ilha do Desterro A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies. 2020. 73. 2. 115-126
Tom Murphy in Japan
(International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures: Plenary Panel 2 'Tom Murphy in Translation' 2021)
David Ireland's Cyprus Avenue (2016): A Contemporary Version of Changeling in Post-Good-Friday Agreement Northern Ireland
(Canadian Association for Irish Studies 2019 Conference 2019)
"The Reparative Powers of Emotional Authenticity": Frank McGuinness's Adaptations of European Plays
(Frank McGuinness: Symposium: The Theatre of Frank McGuinness 2019)
(愛知淑徳大学英文学会 2015)
1916 in 1991: 75th Anniversary of the Rising and Tom Murphy's The Patriot Game
(The Age of Centenaries: A Century of Irish History & Literature 2014)