Immunohistochemical observations on the secretory IgA in the Paneth cells of germfree and ex-germfree rats.
US-Japan Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Congress : 1986 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Histochemical Society June8-13(1986)San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA. /Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica(Suppl. ) 1986
Circadian rhythm of pancreatic exocrine secretion in isolated perfused rat pancreas In : Biological rhythm and their control mechanisms. (共著)
Elsvier/North-Holland Biomedical Press Eds. by M Sudactal. 1979
Neuronal and paraneuronal control of pancreatic secretion In : Integrative control functions of the brain. (共著)
Kodansha Scientific Tokyo Eds. by M Ito, N Tsukahara, K Kubota, K Yagi 1979
Works (4件):
2000 - 2001
Joint Research on Bio-imaging of NO production in hepatocyte.
2000 - 2001
1989 - 1996
Joint Research on morphology and function of muscularis mucosae of intestaine
1989 - 1996