Intensity of the geomagnetic field in geological time : a statistical study (pp.75-94, Kono, M., and H. Tanaka), in The Earth's Central Part: Its Structure and Dynamics (ed., Yukutake, T.)
Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB) 1995 ISBN:4887041179
Intensity of the geomagnetic field in geological time : a statistical study (pp.75-94, Kono, M., and H. Tanaka), in The Earth's Central Part: Its Structure and Dynamics (ed., Yukutake, T.)
Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB) 1995 ISBN:4887041179
1993 - 1995 American Geophysical Union Editor of academic journal (J. Geophys. Res.)
受賞 (2件):
1991 - 田中館賞 (地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会)
1991 - Tanakadate Prize (Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences)
所属学会 (7件):
, アメリカ地球物理連合(American Geophysical Union)
, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会
, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)
, American Geophysical Union
, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)
, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth