Genki Ichinose, Daiki Miyagawa, Erika Chiba, Hiroki Sayama. How Lévy flights triggered by the presence of defectors affect evolution of cooperation in spatial games. Artificial life. 2023. 29. 2. 1-11
Hiromu Ito, Takayuki Wada, Genki Ichinose, Jun Tanimoto, Jin Yoshimura, Taro Yamamoto, Satoru Morita. Social dilemma in the excess use of antimicrobials incurring antimicrobial resistance. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1. 21084
Jinming Wan, Genki Ichinose, Michael Small, Hiroki Sayama, Yamir Moreno, Changqing Cheng. Multilayer networks with higher-order interaction reveal the impact of collective behavior on epidemic dynamics. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 2022. 164. 112735-112735
Daiki Miyagawa, Azumi Mamiya, Genki Ichinose. Adapting paths against zero-determinant strategies in repeated prisoner's dilemma games. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2022. 549. 111211-111211
Hiroki Yokoi, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Genki Ichinose, Osamu Kitade, Kei-Ichi Tainaka. Microbial mutualism promoting the coexistence of competing species: Double-layer model for two competing hosts and one microbial species. Biosystems. 2022. 211. 104589-104589
土畑 重人, 一ノ瀬 元喜, 藤澤 隆介. 群れロボットの進化生物学 : "盲目の時計職人"はいかにして"時計"を再現したか-特集 行動とOR. オペレーションズ・リサーチ = Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan : 経営の科学. 2022. 67. 4. 173-178