Yoko IDA. Vers une révision de la constitution japonaise?. Revue du Droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'etranger. 2010. NO.2. 2. 387-412
Yoko Ida. to the amendment of japanese constitution?. Journal of public law and politic science in France and Foreign countries. 2010. 2. 387-412
Implacable originality of the constitutional system in the light of experiences of France and Japan
Société de Législation Comparée 2021 ISBN:9782365171168
1999 - Associate Professor,Economic Cooperation & International Communication,Faculty of Economics,Nagasaki University
所属学会 (7件):
, 宗教法学会
, 公法学会
, 全日本憲法研究会
, The religious law reserch association
, The public law reserch association
, Japon Association for Studies of Constitutional law