J-GLOBAL ID:201001071685117111   更新日: 2024年02月14日

水田 洋子

ミズタ ヨウコ | Mizuta Yoko
職名: 上級准教授
研究分野 (1件): 言語学
研究キーワード (6件): Philosophy of language ,  Pragmatics ,  Semantics ,  言語哲学 ,  語用論 ,  意味論
論文 (22件):
  • Yoko Mizuta. Semantics and pragmatics of pure indexical reference. Journal of Cognitive Science. 2019. 20. 1. 53-77
  • 水田洋子. 慣用的含意と前提. 教育研究. 2019. 61. 11-22
  • Yoko Mizuta. A pilot study of an enhanced Rhetorical Structure Theory based on an analysis of a discourse particle ‘actually’ used in interpersonal settings. Proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the Pragmatics Suciety of Japan. 2017. 243-251
  • Yoko Mizuta. The interpretation of the reference of "now" in written messages: An experimental view. Philosophy Study. 2017. 7. 8. 455-462
  • Yoko Mizuta. Pragmatic factors determining the references of indexicals 'I', 'here', and 'now in recorded and written messages. The 18th Annual Conference Proceedings of Pragmatic Society of Japan. 2016. 163-170
MISC (2件):
  • Yoko Mizuta, Tony Mullen, Nigel Collier. Annotation of Biomedical Texts for Zone Analysis. NII Technical Report. 2004
  • Yoko Mizuta, Nigel COllier, Ai Kawazoe, Asanobu Kitamoto, Tuangthong Wattarujeekrit, Anthony Mullen. Integrating deep and shallow semantic structures in Open Ontology Forge. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Semantic Web and Ontology, JSAI. 2004. SIG-SWO-A402-05. 1-7
特許 (2件):
  • 文書管理方法
  • Text document management method adapted for generating plural text documents derived from the same original text document
書籍 (2件):
  • New frontiers in artificial intelligence (Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 3609)
    Springer 2007 ISBN:9783540710080
  • Understanding temporal relations in global communication across time zones (Series A: General and theoretical papers, No.678)
    LAUD (Linguistic Agency, University of Duisburg-Essen) 2006
講演・口頭発表等 (33件):
  • Dimensions and qualities involved in human recognition of a cateogory: Insights from the semantic/pragmatic analyses of Japanese <I>hontou-no</I> ('real'/'true')
    (Pragmasophia 3 (The Third International Conference on Pragmatics and Philosophy) 2021)
  • The meaning and usage of ‘today’: Corpus-based quantitative and qualitative analyses
    (The 16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019)
  • ケド文の多義性の構造:対比および参考情報の提示を両極とする連続体モデル
    (日本語用論学会第21回年次大会 2018)
  • The interpretation of the reference of "now" in written messages: An experimental view
    (The 15th Intl. Pragmatics Conference 2017)
  • A pilot study of an enhanced Rhetorical Structure Theory based on an analysis of a discourse particle ‘actually’ used in interpersonal settings
    (第19回日本語用論学会年次大会 2016)
学歴 (4件):
  • 1996 - 2002 シカゴ大学 言語学
  • 1993 - 1995 大阪大学 言語文化研究科 言語文化学
  • 1992 - 1993 国際基督教大学 教養学部 人文科学科 (研究生)
  • 1981 - 1985 早稲田大学 理工学部 数学科
学位 (4件):
  • Ph.D. (Linguistics) (University of Chicago)
  • 修士(言語文化学) (大阪大学)
  • 理学士 (早稲田大学)
  • Ph.D. (Linguistics) (University of Chicago)
所属学会 (9件):
日本言語学会 ,  大阪大学言語文化学会 ,  日本認知科学会 ,  Linguistic Society of America ,  論理文法研究会 ,  言語科学会 ,  International Pragmatics Association ,  日本語用論学会 ,  日本言語情報学会(旧、論理文法研究会)
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