Shinohara, Sayaka, Fujimoto, Tetsushi. Gender Differences in the Impact of Social Support on Work-Family Positive Spillover for Japanese Engineers. 愛知淑徳大学論集 グローバル・コミュニケーション学部篇 8号, pp.1-14. 2024
Masaki Hosomi, Tetsushi Fujimoto, Yukiyasu Arima. Coworkers’ Fairness Perceptions and Tolerance for the Use of Telecommuting Arrangements: Effects of Autonomy, Complexity, and Task Interdependence (Secondary Publication). Journal of Work Health and Safety Regulation. 2023. 2. 1. 37-53
Organizational stress in contemporary Japan. In Kajal A. Sharma, Cary L. Cooper, and D.M. Pestonjee (Eds.), Organizational stress around the world: Research and practice (1st Edition, Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations, and Society, Pp.128-144).
Routledge 2021
“Gender Differences in the Impact of Telework on Spousal Time Squeeze in Japan.”
(2024 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference (Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec Canada) 2024)
2018 - 2018 Journal of Japanese Management Best Paper Award, Tetsushi Fujimoto, Hideki S. Tanaka & Shiming Xia. "Impacts of Overtime Reduction on Psychological Well-Being for Japanese Research and Development Engineers: Positive and Negative Sides of Work Ti・・・
2015 - 2015 Outstanding Author Contribution Award, The Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. Fujimoto, Shinohara & Oohira "Work-Family Conflict and Depression for Employed Husbands and Wives in Japan: Moderating Roles of Self and Spousal Role Invol・・・
所属学会 (11件):
, 日本労務学会
, 組織学会
, 産業・組織心理学会
, 経営行動科学学会
, アメリカ心理学会
, アメリカ社会学会
, Japan Sociological Society
, Japan Society for Personnel and Labor Research
, Japanese Association of Administrative Science
, American Sociological Association