Yukihisa Kumagai. Glasgow Merchants in the East India Trade during the 1820s and 1830s: The Case of James Finlay & Co. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies. 2024. 44. 1. 1-22
Kumagai, Yukihisa. The Making of the ‘Free Trade Nation’: The Opening of the East India Trade and the British Manufacturing Industry, 1790s-1830s. 関西大学経済論集. 2017. 67. 4. 673-693
Kumagai, Yukihisa. Kirkman Finlay and John Crawfurd: Two Scots in the Campaign of the Glasgow East India Association for the Opening of the China Trade, 1829-1833. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies. 2010. 30. 2. 175-199
Kumagai, Yukihisa. Review of The East India Company: The World's Most Powerful Corporation by Tirthankar Roy. Asian Review of World Histories. 2013. 1. 2. 313-316
書籍 (5件):
1789年 : 自由を求める時代
山川出版社 2018 ISBN:9784634445086
昭和堂 2017 ISBN:9784812216286
経済史教材 2016年度版
関西大学生活共同組合 2016
Breaking into the monopoly : provincial merchants and manufacturers' campaigns for access to the Asian market, 1790-1833
Brill 2012 ISBN:9789004241725
経済史教材 2012年度版
関西大学生活協同組合 2012
講演・口頭発表等 (9件):
The making of “free trade nation” in the structural change of Asian trade and the growth of British manufacturing industry, 1790s-1830s
(第8回日英歴史家会議 2015)
Yukihisa Kumagai, Breaking into the monopoly : provincial merchants and manufacturers' campaigns for access to the Asian market, 1790-1833, Brill, 2013.をめぐって
(社会経済史学会近畿部会1月例会 2015)