Agho Oliver Bamenju, Xiaoyue Liu, Jeongsoo Yu, Kazuaki Okubo. Addressing the Problem of Poverty through an International Cooperation Project: The Case Study of Agriculture Development by JICA in Cameroon. Earth. 2022. 3. 4. 1185-1206
Jeongsoo Yu, Shiori Osanai, Kosuke Toshiki, Xiaoyue Liu, Tadao Tanabe, Gaku Manago, Shuoyao Wang, Kevin Roy B. Serrona, Kazuaki Okubo, Ryo Ikeda. New Challenges for Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Japan. Global Blue Economy. 2022. 395-412
Jeongsoo Yu, Xiaoyue Liu, Gaku Manago, Tadao Tanabe, Shiori Osanai, Kazuaki Okubo. New Terahertz Wave Sorting Technology to Improve Plastic Containers and Packaging Waste Recycling in Japan. Recycling. 2022. 7. 5. 66-66
Okubo, K, Okumura, M. Understanding Project Performance with Stochastic Interruption. Sustainability. 2022. 14. 5. 2964
Fuko Nakai, Tatsuya Uchiuzo, Kazuaki Okubo, Eizo Hideshima. Analysing Trade-Offs between Safety from Tsunamis Risk and Views of Ocean Water Using an Optimal Residential Area Model. EGU General Assembly 2023. 2023. EGU23-4088
2020/10 - イギリス土木学会 Telford Premium Prize Investigation and repair plan for abraded steel bridge piers: case study from Japan
2013/02 - 平成24年度 東北大学研究所連携プロジェクト 若手研究者賞
2009 - 建設工学奨励賞
2005 - 土木学会東北支部論文奨励賞
所属学会 (8件):
, 廃棄物資源循環学会
, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science(INFORMS)
, 都市計画学会
, 応用地域学会
, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
, 土木学会
, 環境経済政策学会