2010 - 2011 Intellectual Property and the Creative Industries: The Impact of New Media Technologies on Perception and Distribution of Japanese Cultural Entertainment Media
論文 (7件):
Douglas Schules. The Rhetoric of Game Practices: Go and Discursive Control in Tokugawa Japan. Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 2021. 51. 5. 439-454
Douglas Schules. Kawaii Japan: Defining JRPGs through the cultural media mix. Kinephanos. 2015. 5. 53-76
Douglas Schules. How to do things with fan subs: Media engagement as subcultural capital in anime fan subbing. Transformative Works and Cultures. 2014. 17
Douglas Schules. Anime Fansubs: Translation and Media Engagement as Ludic Practice. 2012
Douglas Schules. When language goes bad: Localization's effect on the gameplay of Japanese RPGs. Dungeons, dragons and digital denizens: Digital role-playing games. 2012. 88-112
Douglas Schules. review of Japanese Culture through Videogames by Rachael Hutchinson. Monumenta Nipponica. 2021. 76. 1. 239-243
Douglas Schules. "Supernatural role playing game," by J. Chambers. Transformative Works and Cultures. 2010. 4
講演・口頭発表等 (29件):
Games as Systems of Control: Playing Go in the Edo Period
(Game Studies Frontiers 2, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University 2023)
Indie Games in the Time of COVID: How Japanese Indie Game Devs and Events Adapted
(Popular Culture Association 2022)
Rhetoric, Materiality, and Discourse: A Look at Japanese Gaming as Networked Practice
(National Communication Association 2021)
The Network as Discursive Formation: Creative Media in Post-Bubble Japan
(Popular Culture Association 2021)
Games as Discursive Statements: Playing Go During the Edo Period
(National Communication Association 2020)