Miyuki Toda, Megumi Yokoyama, Osamu Katsumata-Kato, Junko Fujita-Yoshigaki. Decline in stimulus responsiveness of secretory granules in salivary glands with age. Journal of Oral Biosciences. 2024. 100583-100583
Osamu Katsumata-Kato, Megumi Yokoyama, Junko Fujita-Yoshigaki. The secretory ability of newly formed secretory granules is regulated by pro-cathepsin B and amylase in parotid glands. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023. 666. 45-51
Megumi Yokoyama, Osamu Katsumata-Kato, Junko Fujita-Yoshigaki. Acinar Cell Proliferation Promoted by BMP2 in Injured Mouse Parotid Gland: BMP2 Promotes Cell Proliferation in Parotid Gland. International Journal of Dentistry. 2023. 2023. 1-7
Junko Fujita-Yosigaki, Megumi Yokoyama, Osamu Katsumata-Kato. Switching of cargo sorting from the constitutive to regulated secretory pathway by the addition of cystatin D sequence in salivary acinar cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2020. 319. G74-G86