J-GLOBAL ID:201101069489644009   更新日: 2024年04月01日

篠田 義一

shinoda yoshikazu
職名: 名誉教授
研究分野 (2件): 神経機能学 ,  神経形態学
研究キーワード (23件): 前庭器官 ,  頸筋 ,  細胞内記録 ,  歯状核 ,  橋被蓋網様核 ,  細胞内染色 ,  前庭神経 ,  橋核 ,  頚筋 ,  三半規管 ,  苔状線維 ,  小脳核 ,  運動野 ,  固視 ,  随意運動 ,  上丘 ,  滑動性眼球運動 ,  サッケード ,  眼球運動 ,  前頭眼野 ,  脊髄 ,  HRP ,  小脳
競争的資金等の研究課題 (41件):
  • 2006 - 2009 前頭眼野・上丘系による三次元眼球運動の制御-輻輳性眼球運動系を含む神経機構-
  • 2005 - 2005 前頭眼野抑制野による固視機能と滑動性及び輻輳性眼球運動の抑制
  • 2004 - 2005 前頭眼野の固視機能と急速眼球運動発現機構の抑制
  • 2004 - 2004 前頭眼野における固視機能と滑動性及び輻輳性眼球運動
  • 2003 - 2003 サッケード及び滑動性眼球運動制御における大脳-小脳連関の役割
論文 (96件):
  • Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi, Jie Na, Yoshikazu Shinoda. Brainstem Circuits Triggering Saccades and Fixation. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2021. JN-RM
  • Takahashi M, SHinoda Y. Neural circuits of inputs and outputs of the cerebellar cortex and nuclei. Neuroscience. 2021. 462. 70-88
  • Na J, Sugihara I, Shinoda Y. The entire trajectories of single pontocerebellar axons and their lobular and longitudinal terminal distribution patterns in multiple aldolase C positive compartments of the rat cerebellar cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology. 2019. 527. 15. 2488-2511
  • Yoshikazu Shinoda, Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi. Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and generation of saccadic eye movements. Prog. Brain Res. 2019. 249. 95-104
  • Takahashi M, Shinoda Y. Brain Stem Neural Circuits of Horizontal and Vertical Saccade Systems and their Frame of Reference. Neuroscience. 2018. 392. 281-328
MISC (34件):
  • Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki, Yoshikazu Shinoda. Suppressive effects of electrical stimulation of the frontal eye field on smooth pursuit eye movements in the monkey. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E72-E72
  • Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi, Yoshikazu Shinoda. Topographic organization of commissural connections between the two superior colliculi and their functional roles for generating horizontal and vertical Saccades. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E105-E105
  • 篠田義一. 研究のあゆみ 眼球運動から眼球運動まで--運動制御の中枢神経機構のシステム神経生理学的研究. 生体の科学. 2009. 60. 2. 158-169
  • Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki, Yoshikazu Shinoda. Suppression of saccades and response properties of fixation neurons in the monkey frontal eye field. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2009. 65. S61-S62
  • Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi, Yoshikazu Shinoda. Functional roles of commissural excitation and inhibition between the superior colliculi for control of saccadic eye movement. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2008. 61. S40-S40
書籍 (14件):
  • Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders (first edition)
    Manto M, Schmahmann JD, Rossi F, Gruol DL, Koibuchi N, Springer, Dordrecht 2013
  • Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders (first edition)
    Manto M, Schmahmann JD, Rossi F, Gruol DL, Koibuchi N (Eds) , Springer, Dordrech 2013
  • Parietal Lobe Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space
    P Thier, H-O Karnath (Eds), Berlin: Springer 1995
  • Thalamic Networks for Relay and Modulation.
    D. Minciacchi, M. Molinari, G. Macchi, EG. Jones (Eds), Pergamon Press: Oxford 1994
  • Vestibular and neural front
    K. Taguchi, M. Igarashi and S. Mori (Eds) , New York: Elsevier 1994
講演・口頭発表等 (72件):
  • Neural Substrates of Cerebro-Cerebellar Loop
    (The Kyoto Symposium on the Eye and Head Movement Control Systems, Pre-NCM, Kyoto, Japan 2019)
  • Neural substrates of Cerebro-Cerebellar Loop
    (Plenary Lecture: The 75th FUJIWARA Seminar, “Cerebellum as a CNS hub” in Honor of Masao Ito. Tokyo, Japan 2018)
  • Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and generation of saccadic eye movements
    (Symposium on “Mathematical Modeling in Motor Neuroscience“ in Honor of Lance Optican. Pavia, Italy 2018)
  • Neural Correlates of the Model that David Robinson proposed
    (Symposium on ” Neural Basis of Motor Control” in Honor of David Robinson. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, USA 2017)
  • Neural Circuits for Horizontal and Vertical Saccades
    (Gordon Research Conference on “Eye Movements” in Honor of Robert Wurz, Easton, MA, USA 2013)
学位 (1件):
  • 医学博士 (東京大学)
経歴 (11件):
  • 2008/04 - 東京医科歯科大学 名誉教授
  • 2008/04 - 東京医科歯科大学
  • 1992/04 - 1992/10 Paris, C.N.R.S. Laboratoire de Physiologie Neurosensorielle (Dr. A. Berthoz)
  • 1987/10 - 東京医科歯科大学医学部第一生理学講座 教授
  • 1983/09 - 1983/12 カナダ University of Montreal (Prof A. Smith) Visiting Professor
受賞 (3件):
  • 2012 - 神経眼科学会功労賞(石川メダル)
  • 2008 - The Barany Society Hallpike-Nylen Medal
  • 2006 - 日本めまい平衡学会 特別功労賞
所属学会 (8件):
Society for Neuroscience ,  Barany Society, Official Member ,  Neural Control of Movement ,  日本小脳学会 顧問 ,  日本神経眼科学会、名誉会員 ,  日本めまい平衡医学会、名誉会員 ,  日本神経科学会 ,  日本生理学会
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