Chidori Nakamura. The Scope Order of Modifiers and Embedded Constructions in Japanese. The Ritsumeikan Business Review. 2018. 56. 5. 35-52
Chidori Nakamura. Focus Particle Mo and Many/Few Implicatures on Numerals in Japanese. CONTRASTIVENESS IN INFORMATION STRUCTURE, ALTERNATIVES AND SCALAR IMPLICATURES. 2017. 91. 321-337
Towards Establishing a Hierarchy in the Japanese Sentence Structure
(PACLIC 23, Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 2009)
Hierarchy-based Interpretation of Tense in Japanese Complex Sentences
(CIL18, International Congress of Linguists 2008)
Focus Particle Mo and Many/Few interpretations in Japanese
(CIL18, International Congress of Linguists 2008)
Topic/Subject Coreference in the Hierarchy of Japanese Complex Sentences
(LENLS2008, International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 2008)