Tomoyoshi Naito, Mieko Nakamura, Mizue Suzuki, Toshiyuki Ojima. Effects of bowel training and defecation posture on chronic constipation in older adults with dementia: A randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2023. 118. 3. 531-538
Mizue Suzuki, Masahiro Shigeta, Takuya Kanamori, Marika Yokomichi, Masayo Uchiyama, Keigo Inagaki, Tomoyoshi Naito, Hajime Ooshiro, Yatami Asai. Development of a Daily Living Self-Efficacy Scale for Older Adults in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023. 20. 4. 3292
Naito Tomoyoshi. Multidisciplinary co-development of a chronic constipation management education programme for older people with dementia and the establishment of a model facility. Impact. 2023. 3. 24-25
Masao Kanamori, Takuya Kanamori, Tomoyoshi Naito, Mizue Suzuki. Possibility of dementia prevention in Japan based on Population-Attributable Fraction estimates. Fusion of the West and the East, Harmony of Human and Technology Discussion Based on Geriatric Behavioral Neurology through the International Congress of 15th Asian Society Against Dementia. 2022. 334-337
Mizue Suzuki, Yatami Asai, Masako Sato, Shouko Tsujimura, Yukio Koide, Asao Ogawa, Takuya kanamori, Tomoyoshi Naito, Keigo Inagaki, Masao Kanamori. Factor analysis of the Daily Living Decision-Making Support Scale for people with dementia and its relationship to Person Centred Care: Development of scale on validity and reliability. Fusion of the West and the East, Harmony of Human and Technology Discussion Based on Geriatric Behavioral Neurology through the International Congress of 15th Asian Society Against Dementia. 2022. 290-294