研究キーワード (3件):
, Medical Tourism
, International Retirement Migration
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
2013 - 2016 国際医療介護交流に関する医学および社会科学地域研究からの学際研究
論文 (7件):
Biao Xiang, Mika Toyota. Ethnographic experiments in transnational mobility studies. Ethnography. 2013. 14. 3. 277-281
TOYOTA, Mika, CHEE Heng leng, XIANG Biao. Global track, national vehicle: Transnationalism in medical tourism in Asia. European Journal of Transnational Studies. 2013. 5. 1. 27-53
Shirlena Huang, Brenda S. A. Yeoh, Mika Toyota. Caring for the elderly: the embodied labour of migrant care workers in Singapore. GLOBAL NETWORKS-A JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 2012. 12. 2. 195-215
Shirlena HUANG, THANG Leng Leng, Mika TOYOTA. Editorial introduction: Transnational Mobilities for Care: Rethinking the dynamics of Care in Asia. Global Networks. 2012. 12. 2. 129-134