J-GLOBAL ID:201301021575067610
更新日: 2024年12月12日
カヴァナ バリー
バリー カヴァナ | Kavanagh Barry
ホームページURL (1件):
研究キーワード (6件):
, コンピューターを介した コミュニケーション
, Intercultural communication
, 英語・日本語社会言語学
, 語学教育におけるAIの役割と活用
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
- 2023 - 2028 The forming of a CLIL partnership: Examining the factors required to create a successful content driven CLIL course at a Japanese university
- 2023 - 2028 ADDIEモデルを援用した技術者に必要な社会的責任の4つの基礎を学ぶCLIL教材の開発
- 2022 - 2023 CLILを通じて専門英語教育を強化する
- 2018 - 2022 An examination into heritage language education through CLIL within Japan and the UK
- 2016 - 2017 The creation of an academic writing course.
- 2014 - 2017 The raising of a haafu in Japan and the UK
- 2014 - 2015 社会言語学、英語学、応用言,バイリンガリズム
論文 (85件):
バリーカヴァナ. There is Nothing so Practical as a Good Theory: Examining the Theory and Practice of the New English Curriculum. Ronsetsu Shiryo Hozonkai (論説資料保存会). 2024. 56. 385-390
Shigeru Sasajima, Barry Kavanagh. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) of CLIL pedagogy and globalisation in Japan. AILA Review. 2024
バリーかヴァナ. The Animated Short Film as Tool for Teaching English for General Academic Purposes: Integrating Inferences and Connotations. ATEM (Association for teaching English through multimedia)ジャーナル. 2024. 85-97
バリーカヴァナ. Student Perspectives on ChatGPT: Implications for Writing Pedagogy and Feedback Practices. 言語学とデータサイエンス. 2024. 7
バリーカヴァナ. Tune in, Turn off, Burn out: How do we Teach Phrasal Verbs?. 高度教養教育・学生支援機構紀要. 2024. 10. 105-113
書籍 (13件):
Pathways to Academic English 4th edition V2.
Manga and anime Demon Slayer to foster intercultural awareness and critical thinking: A film and media literacy university course in Japan in Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice (Eds Dominguez et al.)
Peter Lang 2023 ISBN:9783631853917
A CLIL Course on Karate and Japanese Culture: Developing Intercultural Awareness and Language Learning in Re-Envisioning EFL Education in Asia (Eds Theron. et.al)
International Teacher Development Institute 2023
Pathways to Academic English 4th edition
Pathways to academic English 3rd edition
講演・口頭発表等 (135件):
Synergizing Language and Content: A Collaborative CLIL Approach to Biophysics
(2024 ETRA x Wenshan International Conference: New Normal in TESOL 2024)
Paraphrasing Made Easy? The Role of AI in Enhancing Academic Writing Skills
(TELIC2024 (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning International Conference) The University of Texas Permian Basin 2024)
Bridging Content and Language: A Case Study of Team-Taught CLIL in Engineering Plenary speaker
(第 7 回 J-CLIL 大会 あべのハルカス 大阪 2024)
Enhancing SDG Knowledge and Writing Skills Through CLIL: A Qualitative Analysis
(Barry Kavanagh,Satsuki Kojima 2024)
Highlighting Vocabulary Learning through Whiteboard Video Stories
(1st Annual Yamagata JALT mini conference 2024)
学位 (1件):
- PhD in Linguistics (Tohoku University)
委員歴 (6件):
受賞 (2件):
- 2017/11 - 東北大学 平成28年度東北大学全学教育貢献賞
- 2013/11 - 青森保健大学 学長賞受賞 研究部門
所属学会 (7件):
Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics
, JALT Pragmatics SIG
, The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies
, 言語科学会
, 映像メディア英語教育学会
, 日本CLIL教育学会
, 母語・継承語・バイリンガル教育(MHB)学会