2024 - 2027 A threat or key to survival under climate change?: Genetic dynamics of hybridisation between a subalpine conifer and its warm adapted congener
2022 - 2025 植物の遺伝情報を用いた伊吹山の織田信長の幻の薬草園伝説の検証
2009 - 2010 シデコブシとタムシバの種間交雑に関する生態遺伝学的研究
論文 (52件):
Tomoko Fukuda, Naoko Ishikawa, Olga A Chernyagina, Vyacheslav Y Barkalov, Aleksandr A Taran, Valentin V Yakubov, Elena A Marchuk, Elena V Linnik, Ichiro Tamaki. Phylogeography and chromosome number variation in Micranthes nelsoniana and related species (Saxifragaceae) in Northeast Asia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2024. 205. 313-338
Suzuki Setsuko, Kyoko Sugai, Ichiro Tamaki, Kayo Hayama, Hidetoshi Kato. Ecotype variation in the endemic tree Callicarpa subpubescens on small oceanic islands: genetic, phenotypic, and environmental insights. Heredity. 2024. 132. 309-319
Ichiro Tamaki, Mizuo Mizuno, Tatsuo Ohtsuki, Kohtaroh Shutoh, Ryoichi Tabata, Yoshihiro Tsunamoto, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yusuke Nakajima, Naoki Kubo, Takeru Ito, et al. Phylogenetic, population structure, and population demographic analyses reveal that Vicia sepium in Japan is native and not introduced. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1. 20746
Suzuki Setsuko, Satoshi Narita, Ichiro TAMAKI, Kyoko Sugai, Atsushi Nagano, Tokuko Ujino-Ihara, Hidetoshi Kato, Yuji Isaji. Adaptive radiation of the Callicarpa genus in the Bonin Islands revealed through double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing analysis. 2023
Watanabe Yoichi, Sae Matsuzawa, Ichiro Tamaki, Atsushi J Nagano, Sang-Hun Oh. Genetic differentiation and evolution of broad-leaved evergreen shrub and tree varieties of Daphniphyllum macropodum (Daphniphyllaceae). Heredity. 2023. 131. 3. 211-220