Linbin Zeng, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Keiko Fujioka. System Analysis and Optimixation of Thermal Booster Based on Calcium Chloride in Micro-Capsules with Nano-Holes. Extended Abstracts of the Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, 3rd ACTS. 2024. ACTS-A0236
Guangzhou Yin, Yuta Nakamura, Hiroshi Suzuki, François Lequeux, Ruri Hidema. Memory and scission effects of polymers on the flow regime of polyethylene oxide solutions in continuous abrupt contraction-expansion microchannels with different cavity lengths. Physics of Fluids. 2024. 36. 4. 043114
Takumu Otsubo, Naoki Miyata, Silvan von Arx, Oliver Fellmann, Anastasia Stamatiou, Jörg Worlitschek, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki. Heat transfer characteristics of PCM slurry using ammonium alum and propylene glycol. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024. 221. 125051
Kanta Kato, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki. Generation Characteristics of TBAB/H2 Hydrates in Microcapsules with Nano-Holes at Atmospheric Pressure. The 33rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. 2023. #44
Takumu Otsubo, Naoki Miyata, Masao Iwaya, Masaru Endo, Naotaka Nishio, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki. Heat Transfer Characteristics in Turbulent Flow and Flow Patterns of PCM Slurry Using Super-Hydrophobic Gel Particles. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2023. 152. 146-154
Transition from elastic instability to drag reduction observed in two-dimensional turbulent flow
(The 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 2024 2024)
Effects of contraction ratio of consecutive abrupt contraction-expansion micro channels on polymer scission in dilute polymer solution predicted by numerical simulation
(日本レオロジー学会第72回レオロジー討論会 2024)
2015/06 - AIP, APL Materials APL Materials Poster Award at the 2015 International Conference on Nanospace Materials Elastic Instability of Biopolymer Solutions in Micro Abrupt Contraction-Expansion Channels
2014/06 - Polish Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Polish Pilot Centre of ERCOFTAC XIII Prof. J.W. Elsner’s Competition for the best paper in the field of fluid mechanics, the First Prise Effects of Extensional Rates on Characteristic Scales of Two-Dimensional Turbulence in Polymer Solutions
2012/04 - Technical congress of Progress and Innovative for Smart Materials and Related Technology 実行委員会 Incentive Award for Poster Presentation Novel Shape Memory Gels for Soft Polymeric Actuator -Mechanism and Applications-