J-GLOBAL ID:201401002192772363
更新日: 2025年02月21日
宮崎 さおり
Saori Miyazaki
准教授 [Associate professor]
ホームページURL (1件):
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
- 2024 - 2025 環境激化による細胞内レドックスの変化とマスター制御タンパク質の同定
- 2013 - 2017 植物の減数分裂進行を支えるRNAを介した制御システムの研究
- 2012 - 2014 植物の減数分裂移行を促進する分子機構の研究
- 植物の生殖細胞の分裂回数推定のためのテロメア配列の動態と伸縮の追跡
論文 (19件):
Saori Miyazaki, Yutaka Sato, Tomoya Asano, Yoshiaki Nagamura, Ken-Ichi Nonomura. Rice MEL2, the RNA recognition motif (RRM) protein, binds in vitro to meiosis-expressed genes containing U-rich RNA consensus sequences in the 3 '-UTR. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2015. 89. 3. 293-307
Jo Ann Banks, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Mitsuyasu Hasebe, John L. Bowman, Michael Gribskov, Claude dePamphilis, Victor A. Albert, Naoki Aono, Tsuyoshi Aoyama, Barbara A. Ambrose, et al. The Selaginella Genome Identifies Genetic Changes Associated with the Evolution of Vascular Plants. SCIENCE. 2011. 332. 6032. 960-963
Ken-Ichi Nonomura, Mitsugu Eiguchi, Mutsuko Nakano, Kazuya Takashima, Norio Komeda, Satoshi Fukuchi, Saori Miyazaki, Akio Miyao, Hirohiko Hirochika, Nori Kurata. A Novel RNA-Recognition-Motif Protein Is Required for Premeiotic G(1)/S-Phase Transition in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLOS GENETICS. 2011. 7. 1. e1001265
Hyung Gon Mang, Kristin A. Laluk, Eugene P. Parsons, Dylan K. Kosma, Bruce R. Cooper, Hyeong Cheol Park, Synan AbuQamar, Claudia Boccongelli, Saori Miyazaki, Federica Consiglio, et al. The Arabidopsis RESURRECTION1 Gene Regulates a Novel Antagonistic Interaction in Plant Defense to Biotrophs and Necrotrophs. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 2009. 151. 1. 290-305
Miyazaki S, Murata T, Sakurai-Ozato N, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Hasebe M. “ANXUR1 and 2, sister genes to FERONIA/SIRENE are male factors for coordinated fertilization,” Miyazaki S, Murata T, Sakurai-Ozato N, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H and Hasebe M, Current Biology, 11, 19(15), pp. 1327-1331 (2009). Current biology : CB. 2009. 19. 15. 1327-1331
MISC (10件):
長谷部光泰, 西山智明, 棚橋貴子, 青野直樹, 青山剛士, 程朝陽, 藤田知道, 橋本薫, 平井正良, 日渡祐二, et al. 陸上植物の発生進化を引き起こしたゲノム進化. 日本植物生理学会年会要旨集. 2007. 48th. 124
TANAHASHI Takako, NISHIYAMA Tomoaki, AONO Naoki, AOYAMA Tsuyoshi, CHENG Chaoyang, FUJITA Tomomichi, HASHIMOTO Kaoru, HIRAI Tadayoshi, HIWATASHI Yuji, ISHIKAWA Masaki, et al. Evolution of developmental genes in land plants inferred from large-scale phylogenetic analyses 2. Journal of plant research. 2006. 119. 143-143
NISHIYAMA Tomoaki, TANAHASHI Takako, AONO Naoki, AOYAMA Tsuyoshi, CHENG Chaoyang, FUJITA Tomomichi, HASHIMOTO Kaoru, HIRAI Tadayoshi, HIWATASHI Yuji, ISHIKAWA Masaki, et al. Evolution of developmental genes in land plants inferred from large-scale phylogenetic analyses 1. Journal of plant research. 2006. 119. 142-143
S Miyazaki, N Sumikawa, M Hasebe. Inhibition of pollen germination in vitro and irregular segregation rate were shown in the disruptants of receptor-like kinases (RLKs) expressed in pollen and pollen tube. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2006. 47. S171-S171
S Miyazaki, N Sumikawa, M Mishima, M Kitani, M Kubo, T Demura, H Fukuda, M Hasebe. Differential gene expression profiles of receptor-like kinases in pollen tube of Arabidopsis thaliana. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2004. 45. S73-S73
講演・口頭発表等 (32件):
Relationships between pluripotency, developmental morphology, and the response to environmental stresses of plant.
(Inter-Academia, 2023, Sep27-29, 2023, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan)
Identification of redox protein fluctuation in plant reproductive stages.
(Inter-Academia, 2023, Sep27-29, 2023, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan)
Expression analyses of oxidative stress responsible genes in the reproductive stages.
(分子生物学会 2016)
RNA recognition motif-containing protein, which regulates meiotic transition and initiation in rice, binds to a U-rich sequence in vitro
(第55回日本植物学会年会 3/18-20 (2014), 富山大学 2014)
(日本育種学会第125回講演会, 3/20-22 (2014), 東北大学. 2014)
学位 (1件):