Hayato Umemura, Masatoshi Nakajima, Hikari Ishii, Takeshi Kurokura, Tadao Asami, Yukihisa Shimada, Ayako Nakamura. Analysis of the effect of each plant hormone on the maturation of woodland strawberry fruit in auxin-induced parthenocarpic fruit. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2023. 87. 6. 592-604
Hikari Ishii, Ami Ishikawa, Emi Yumoto, Takeshi Kurokura, Masashi Asahina, Yukihisa Shimada, Ayako Nakamura. Propiconazole-induced brassinosteroid deficiency reduces female fertility by inhibiting female gametophyte development in woodland strawberry. Plant cell reports. 2023
Akiko Sato, Kazuo Soeno, Rie Kikuchi, Megumi Narukawa-Nara, Chiaki Yamazaki, Yusuke Kakei, Ayako Nakamura, Yukihisa Shimada. Indole-3-pyruvic acid regulates TAA1 activity, which plays a key role in coordinating the two steps of auxin biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 25
Shin Takato, Yusuke Kakei, Marie Mitsui, Yosuke Ishida, Masashi Suzuki, Chiaki Yamazaki, Ken-Ichiro Hayashi, Takahiro Ishii, Ayako Nakamura, Kazuo Soeno, et al. Corrigendum to: Auxin signaling through SCFTIR1/AFBs mediates feedback regulation of IAA biosynthesis. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2021. 85. 6. 1562-1562
Mayu Watanabe, Masaru Shigihara, Yuna Hirota, Shin Takato, Akiko Sato, Yusuke Kakei, Rie Kikuchi, Takahiro Ishii, Kazuo Soeno, Ayako Nakamura, et al. Effect of an auxin biosynthesis inhibitor, p-phenoxyphenyl boronic acid, on auxin biosynthesis and development in rice. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2021. 85. 3. 510-519