肖 蘭. 書評 山口香苗著(大学教育出版、2020年)『市民がつくる社会の学び : 台湾「社区大学」の展開と特質』-公民館をめぐる動向. 日本公民館学会年報 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for the Study of Kominkan. 2021. 18. 208-210
肖 蘭. The Role of Vocational Education and Training in Multicultural Integration in Taiwan. Collection of Papers of AASVET 2020 (16th Conference in Japan) “Study and Training for Work and Vocation in Society 5.0 (4.0)” Online. 2020. 1. 72-80
Social Pedagogy in China
(Social Pedagogy and Social Education: Bridging Traditions and Innovations 2018)
Collaboration between Government and NGOs in Delivering Education and Social Services in Hong Kong and Macau
(The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference on Education 2017)