Amano, S., Nakagawa, A., Yamauchi, K., & Takahashi, Y. Awareness and experiences of text-generative AI among undergraduates in general English courses. 広島外国語教育研究. 2024. 27. 49-59
Amano, S., Hougham, D., Higa, M., Nakagawa, A., Takahashi, Y., & Fraser, S. Exploring directions for improving general English writing courses with the TOEIC® Writing test. 広島外国語教育研究. 2024. 27. 1-15
Amano, S., Enokida,K., Morita, M., Sakaue, T., Yamauchi, Y. Addressing the burden of inquiries for English-as-a-foreign-language students in a self-access vocabulary course. Ubiquitous Learning. 2023. 16. 2. 35-48
Amano, S., Enokida, K., Sakaue, T., Nakagawa, A., & Yamauchi, K. Relationship between academic procrastination and differential learning outcomes in asynchronous online EFL learning. AsiaCALL Online Journal. 2023. 14. 2. 1-17
Amano, S., Yamauchi, Y., Sakaue, T., Takahashi, Y., Nakagawa, A., & Yamauchi, K. Expansion of the Hiroshima University English Can-do List to support English learning outside the classroom. 広島外国語教育研究. 2023. 26. 1-15
2020/08/21 - EUROCALL Practitioner Poster Award Extensive listening and LMS-based report sharing in an online course: Using Mahara-platformed English podcasts