Shin-ichi Takehiro, Youhei Sasaki, Keiichi Ishioka, Takeshi Enomoto, Kensuke Nakajima, Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi. Asymptotic profiles of mean zonal flows generated by thermal convection of Boussinesq fluid in a rapidly rotating thin spherical shell. Icarus. 2024. 420. 116154-116154
佐々木洋平. 惑星流体諸現象とその力学 木星大気表層の縞状構造. ながれ. 2023. 42. 5
Takashi Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Takehiro, Youhei Sasaki. Assessment of a Stable Region of Earth's Core Requiring Magnetic Field Generation over Four Billion Years. 2023. 145-163
Assessment of stable layer formation and its implications for thermal history and magnetic field generation in the Earth's core
(The 18th symposium of SEDI)