鈴木 篤. 書評 Masamichi Ueno (ed.) : Philosophy of Education in Dialogue between East and West : Japanese Insights and Perspectives. 教育哲学研究 = Studies in the philosophy of education / 教育哲学会 編. 2024. 129. 135-140
鈴木 篤. 書評 田中怜著『学校と生活を接続する : ドイツの改革教育的な授業の理論と実践』. 日本の教育史学 : 教育史学会紀要 = Studies in the history of education : research bulletin of the Japan Society for Historical Studies of Education / 教育史学会機関誌編集委員会 編. 2023. 66. 157-159
On Historical Approach in Japanese Research on the Educational Thoughts and the Education Studies as a Discipline (ROUNDTABLE: JAPANESE TRENDS IN THE HISTORIES OF EDUCATION)
(ISCHE 43 Milan (International Standing Conference for the History of Education) 2022)
Development and Diversification of Academic Subfields of Education Research in Japan and Germany after the Occupation after World War II: A comparative Analysis of Collective Biography of Staff Members for Education Research in Both Countries (Peer-Reviewed)