J-GLOBAL ID:201401093563591966   更新日: 2020年08月31日

並河 良典

Namikawa Yoshinori
論文 (6件):
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • A finiteness theorem for symplectic singularities
    (Representation theory and geometry of symplectic resolutions, Northeastern Univ., USA 2015)
  • A characterization of nilpotent varieties of complex semisimple Lie algebras
    (Complex geometry and Lie groups, Univ. Torino, Italy 2014)
  • Poisson deformations and Mori dream spaces
    (Classification of algebraic varieties and related topics, Cetraro, Italy 2013)
  • Symplectic varities of complete intersection and contact geometry
    (Hyperkahler geometry 2012)
  • On the structure of homogeneous symplectic varieties of complete intersection
    (Singularities 2012)
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