2022 - 2025 Investigating interactional practices for intercultural communicative competence in English conversation: Data-driven qualitative exemplars and short-term and long-term developmental trajectories
2018 - 2020 Developing authentic teaching materials and activities for English conversation, based on the analysis of an expanding corpus of English spoken as a lingua franca between Japanese and cultural others
2014 - 2017 Creating a corpus of English spoken as a lingua franca between Japanese and cultural others: For the future purpose of developing authentic materials for conversation and intercultural training
Brown, I. B. Applying Conversation Analysis to the Development of Interactional Competence in a Second Language: A Review. 上越教育大学研究紀要. 2020. 40. 1. 275-284
Brown, Ivan B. EFL学習者による「英会話」の相互作用的共同構築ー予備的な観察ー. 上越英語研究. 2020. 17. 1-14
Brown, I. B, Elderton, S. A conversation analysis of an overseas visitor’s extended service interaction in an English environment: Focusing on shifting participation frameworks. 上越教育大学研究紀要. 2017. 37. 1. 163-171
Brown, I.B, Elderton, S. Verbal and non-verbal management of repair in NS-NNS English conversation and the potential of overseas field data as teaching material. 上越教育大学研究紀要. 2017. 36. 2. 531-540
ブラウン, アイヴァン. Introducing Film and Theatre Director Mike Leigh. 上越英語教育学会通信. 2012. 8. 4-6
ブラウン, アイヴァン. The Difficulties of English Spellings and Some Materials to Help Young Children. 上越英語教育学会通信. 2011. 6. 1-5
ブラウン, アイヴァン. Using TV Drama in the Language Classroom. 上越英語教育学会通信. 2011. 5. 4-6
ブラウン, アイヴァン. Senses and Reminiscences. 上越英語教育学会通信. 2010. 4. 1-3
ブラウン, アイヴァン. Bringing Up Bilingual and Multilingual Children. バイリンガル通信. 2010. 19. 1. 4-6
書籍 (6件):
『「人間力」を育てるー上越教育大学からの提言6ー』の第2章の第3節「Human Resourcefulness and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice」
上越教育大学出版会,永田印刷 (発売) 2022 ISBN:9784990997373
L.U. Takeda & M.Okugiri (編集者) "A Pragmatic Approach to English Language Teaching and Production"の6章目(pp.109-140): "Constructive criticism in talk-in-interaction: Experienced Japanese EFL learners’ peer-feedback sessions on English essays"
風間書房 2019 ISBN:9784759923094
Multiple Social Categories as Emergent in Intercultural Talk-in-Interaction: A Case Study with Ethnomethodological CA and MCA
(異文化コミュニケーション学会 第39回(2024)年次大会 2024)
Exploring interactional possibilities with English conversation portfolios: Focusing on openings and closings with multimodal conversation analysis
(16th Annual NEAR Language Education Conference (全国語学教育学会・新潟支部) 2024)
Micro-Level Social Actions and Interculturality in Talk-in-Interaction: A Single Episode Analysed with Multimodal EMCA
Can students’ out-of-class recorded conversations overcome the interactional restrictions of EFL classrooms?
Can L2 Learners Develop Their L2IC Through Collaborative Recording-and-Playback Activities?