Masaki Hosomi, Saddam Khalid, Tomoki Sekiguchi. Planned Happenstance and Entrepreneurship Development: The Case of Japanese Undergraduate Students. Administrative Sciences. 2024. 14. 2. 27-27
Masaki HOSOMI, Tetsushi FUJIMOTO, Yukiyasu ARIMA. Coworkers’ fairness perceptions and tolerance for the use of telecommuting arrangements: Effects of autonomy, complexity, and task interdependence (Secondary Publication). Journal of Work Health and Safety Regulation. 2023. 1. 37-53
, 経営行動科学学会
, 日本労務学会
, International Network on Leave Policies & Research
, Work and Family Researchers Network
, Academy of Management
, 日本ベンチャー学会
, 日本産業保健法学会