Yoshiharu Tamaki, Soshi Kawai. Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation of Transonic Buffet over NASA-CRM Using FFVHC-ACE. AIAA Journal. 2024. 62. 7. 2489-2504
Golsa Tabe Jamaa, Yuji Hattori, Soshi Kawai. A posteriori study on wall modeling in large eddy simulation using a nonlocal data-driven approach. Physics of Fluids. 2024. 36. 6. 065164-1-065164-19
Ryosuke Ida, Yoshiharu Tamaki, Soshi Kawai. Theoretical link in numerical shock thickness and shock-capturing dissipation. Journal of Computational Physics. 2024. 505. 112901-1-112901-9
Hiroyuki Asada, Kanako Maruyama, Soshi Kawai. Temporal discretization for improving kinetic-energy and entropy preservation properties in KEEP schemes. Computers and Fluids. 2024. 270. 106143-1-106143-15