J-GLOBAL ID:201501035444141089   更新日: 2024年01月30日

山田 憲

Yamada Ken
職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): https://sites.google.com/site/kenxyamada/
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2021 - 2025 技術革新と労働市場
  • 2017 - 2021 労働市場制度と賃金格差の実証分析
  • 2015 - 2017 家計行動の動学分析
論文 (16件):
  • Tatsushi Oka, Ken Yamada. Heterogeneous impact of the minimum wage: Implications for changes in between- and within-group inequality. Journal of Human Resources. 2023. 58. 1. 335-362
  • Shuhei Takahashi, Ken Yamada. Understanding international differences in the skill premium: The role of capital taxes and transfers. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2022. 143. 104511-104511
  • Emiko Inoue, Hiroya Taniguchi, Ken Yamada. Measuring energy-saving technological change: International trends and differences. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2022. 115. 102709
  • Hiroya Taniguchi, Ken Yamada. ICT capital-skill complementarity and wage inequality: Evidence from OECD countries. Labour Economics. 2022. 76. 102151
  • Jeremy Lise, Ken Yamada. Household sharing and commitment: Evidence from panel data on individual expenditures and time use. Review of Economic Studies. 2019. 86. 5. 2184-2219
MISC (1件):
  • Hiroya Taniguchi, Ken Yamada. The race between technology and woman: Changes in gender and skill premia in OECD countries. arXiv:2005.12600 [econ.GN]. 2023
講演・口頭発表等 (31件):
  • The race between technology and woman
    (一橋大学 産業・労働ワークショップ 2022)
  • The race between technology and woman
    (東北大学 現代経済学研究会 2021)
  • Measuring energy-saving technological change
    (大阪大学 経済学研究会 2021)
  • Measuring energy-saving technological change
    (慶應義塾大学 応用経済学ワークショップ 2021)
  • The race between technology and woman
    (Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting 2021)
学位 (1件):
  • Ph.D. Economics (University College London)
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