研究キーワード (11件):
Charles Dickens
, George Gissing
, Thomas Hardy
, George Eliot
, Jane Austen
, The Brontës
, Digital Humanities
, Absolute Interpretation
, Christianity
, 19th-Century British Fiction
, Elizabeth Gaskell
Tatsuhiro OHNO. The Plan of Salvation in _Scenes of Clerical Life_ and _Cranford_. Gaskell Studies. 2021. 31. 41-56
The Plan of Salvation and the Religion of Humanity in "Janet's Repentance". Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology: Rissho University. 2021. 37. 15-42
<i>Literature as Science: A Statistical Analysis of the Structures of the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell in Quest of the Absolute Interpretations 1848-59</i>
公益財団法人角川文化振興財団 2025 ISBN:9784048846431
<I>Literature as Theology: The Parable of the Prodigal Son in the Fiction of Elizabeth Gaskell</I>
彩流社 2020 ISBN:9784779126826